
Showing posts with the label Naseeha

Naseeha to The Muslims of the World (part 1) By Allamah Yehya ibn Ali alHajoori حفظه الله (Arabi)

Naseeha to the Muslims of the world. [Part one] By Allamah Yehya ibn Ali AlHajoori.حفظه الله No translation available at the moment the audio is in Arabi. This is the first of a series of talks The Sheikh gave in Yemen during a tour of the South of Yemen, before he left for Saudi Arabia, in it is valuable advice to stick to the Quraan and Sunnah be steadfast upon it. I advice anyone with basic knowledge of Arabi to listen to this audio and the others in this series I will be posting soon Insha-Allah, also please recommend it to others.

Strangeness of the Deen

Strangeness of the Deen. Abu Muhammed Unis.

Naseeha to the Muslims of Colombo, Sri Lanka (Audio)

Naseeha to the Muslims of Colombo, Sri Lanka By Sheikh Abu Muhammed Abdul Hameed Al Hajoori

Dangers of Freemixing (Audio)

Dangers of freemixing By Sheikh Abu Abdirahman Abdullah Al-Iriyaani. A present day sickness which has effected many Muslims.

Forbiding Nasheed and Turning to what Benefits from the Sunnah (Audio)

Naseeha from Abu Abdirahman Nawwas Al-Hindi Forbiding nasheed and turning to what benefits from the Sunnah,recorded in Colombo. Sri Lanka, taken from the book The Beneficial Answers to the Questions Concerning the New Methodoligies by Sheikh Salih Al-Fawzan حفظه الله

The importance of seeking Knowledge (Audio)

A Talk given to new students in Dammaj  by Abu Abdirahman Nawwas Al-Hindi. Advice to new students about the importance and benefits of seeking knowledge.

Muhadarah at Masjid il-Ihsaan UK (Audio)

Muhadarah Masjid Ul-Ihsaan UK. By Allamah Abu Abdirahman Yehya Ibn Ali Al-Hajoori حفظه الله. Translated by Abu Atiyah Mahmoud Assoomalee حفظه الله. Followed by Q & A. This audio recorded more than a year ago contains beneficial advice to all in these times of fithna.

Yearn to seek knowledge. (Article)

Al-Khateeb Al-Baghdaadee reported: One of the students of Hadeeth used to crave and yearn for seeking knowledge. So he would visit the elder teachers and sit in their gatherings. Then when some time had passed, he saw that he had not benefited at all and that he had not attained a great deal of knowledge. So he said: “I am not fit for this knowledge” and gave it up, since he thought that there was something wrong with his understanding or that he was not qualified for seeking knowledge. One day, after he had left off seeking knowledge for some time, he passed by a rock that had water falling on it, drop by drop. The continuous dripping of water had affected the rock to the point that it had made a hole in it. The man stood there for a while, contemplating and reflecting, and said: ‘This water, in spite of its softness, was able to have an effect on this rock, in spite of its hardness. And my mind and heart are not harder than this rock and neither is this knowledge any softer t...

If you preserve Allah, He will protect you. (Audio)

If you preserve Allah, He will protect you. By Abu Raiyhana Abdul Hakeem Al-Amriki

Masjid Al-Ihsaan Naseeha. (Audio)

Masjid Al-Ihsaan talk. By Abu Atiya Mahmood Assoomalee and Abu Abdirahman Nawwas Al-Hindi. From Dar ul-Hadith Yemen.

Al Walaa Wal Baraa. (Audio)

Loving and hating for the sake of Allah (Al Walaa Wal Baraa) by Abu Rayhana AbdulHakeem Amriki. Your browser does not support the audio element.

People of Yemen. (Audio)

PEOPLE OF YEMEN by Abu Rayhana AbdulHakeem Amriki. Your browser does not support the audio element.

Saying of Abu Ayyoob Al-Ansaari.

إِذَا قُمْتَ فِي صَلاتِكَ فَصَلِّ صَلاةَ مُوَدِّعٍ “When you stand to perform your prayer, do so like a person bidding farewell.” وَلا تَكَلَّمْ بِكَلامٍ تَعْتَذِرُ مِنْهُ “And do not make remarks for which you will have to apologize.”   واجْمَعْ الإياسَ مِمَّا فِي أَيْدِي النَّاسِ “And do not aspire to attain what the people possess.”   From the hadeeth of Abu Ayyoob al-Ansaari [see Saheeh al-Jaami' #742]

Beneficial knowledge

Ibn Abee Shaybah   رحمه الله reported in Kitaab Al-Imaan & also in Al-Musannaf that Abu Dardaa رضي اللّه عنـه   always use to supplicate saying: اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي  أَسْأَلُكَ إيمَانًا دَائِمًا وَعِلْمًا نَافِعًا وَهَدْيًا قَيِّمًا ‘ O Allaah! I ask you for abiding Imaan, beneficial knowledge & upright guidance . ’ Mu-aawiyyah Ibn Qurra رحمه الله transmitted this narration from Abu Dardaa & then said: “ Because there is Imaan that is not abiding, knowledge that is not beneficial & guidance that is not upright .” [Source: Quoted by Shaikh Abdur-Razzaaq Al-Badr in Al-Madkhal Li-diraasaat Al-Aqeedah Al-Islaamiyyah: Lesson 2]